15 facts about me:
1. I stole this blog thing from someone days ago and i'm just now doing it. So i'm a procrastinator.
2. I'm a musician
3. I like to draw
4. I have a personal goal of reading 52 books this year.
5. when i was a kid i wanted to be a scientist when i grew up. i also thought about being a nun. i blame that one on the movie The Sound of Music
6. if i was rich and didn't have to work, i would dye my hair purple, pierce my nose and dedicate a huge majority of my time to studying James Joyce's Ulysses and Finnegan's Wake. i would also probably live in the woods.
7. i read magazines from back to front. i also read the end of a book first so i'll know what's going to happen
8. I miss my old friends. i wish everybody i have ever known (with few exceptions) lived in the same town so we could all hang out
9. i have three tattoos
10. i LOVE art. impressionism, expressionism, kid's drawings, it doesn't matter. i like seeing people express themselves
11. i am obsessive compulsive about brushing my teeth
12. i like going to antique stores and garage sales. i have a lot of useless treasure in my house
13. i really like to read scary books and watch trashy television shows, but i don't like to read trashy books and watch scary shows for the most part
14. I was on television over 200 times in 2010 for my job
15. i am addicted to caffeine
I miss you!!!!!