So, once again, I am sick. Only this time, it's something much more surprising that just bad cramps. Nick and I just got back from vacation last week. We went to Disney World, we had a dining plan, and we ate more food in that one week than we probably have in the past month put together. It was gluttonous. And wonderful. For photos of our trip and the luxurious hotel where we stayed, visit my facebook page.
So, when we got back I had huge plans about what was going to happen. I was going on a diet! I was going to start riding my bike again! I was going to Zumba! I was finally going to finish painting my bathroom! So on Monday, after being back home for less than a week, I had started the South Beach Diet (and have actually stayed with it!). I brought my zumba clothes to work and was fully prepared to go that afternoon. But, what is that? Something hurts under my arm? Maybe i am so fat my bra is cutting off my circulation? but it feels worse than that......I go to the bathroom, look in the mirror, and EWWWW. There's a gross rash on me!!
I am no stranger to allergies, so I assumed I was allergic to something (the diet maybe? the idea of working out?). But there was something really weird about this rash. It didn't itch, it hurt. and it was just in one small spot on my side. Better go to the doctor just to be sure. Plus, if it spreads, I'll want some allergy ointment or something to put on it. I have too much to do this week and i can't be bothered by some strange skin condition.
So I skip Zumba, go to the doctor, he takes one look at it and says SORRY, IT'S SHINGLES!! Here are some painkillers, and two other perscriptions. You're gonna need these because it will probably spread along whatever nerve is affected. But don't worry, it will only be on your left side because it won't cross over to the other side (WTF??) . It is also going to be very painful so here are some loritabs.
While the doctor was very calm, informative, helpful and kind, all my mind could think was, Shingles? didn't my grandmother and the old lady down the street get those in their 80s or so? And weren't they pretty much moaning in agony? So while he was trying to be nice, he really scared me to death.
I have been out of work for several days now, unable to exercise, unable to paint because this thing is under my arm. So, my plans were shot. But thankfully, the pain is totally bareable. Thank goodness for my incapacitating cramps. I guess they have prepared me for anything. SO here it sit, can't do anything really but watch tv, read and play on my computer. Aside from being totally dopey from all the medicine and unable to get comfortable due to the lizard looking skin under my arm—which, by the way, feels like it's getting a neverending tattoo—it's really not too bad. But stay away from me if you've never had chicken pox. I don't want to start a plague.